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Conspiracy theories

The Wayfair Conspiracy

     No one knows the exact moment what is now known as "the Wayfair scandal" exploded into circulation, but everyone knows what it is, and the dark implications it raises, casting further doubt and distrust with the world elite. 

The viral rumors go like this:, a website that sells home goods and furniture, listed several cabinets, pillows and other items for thousands of dollars. Some of those items had names that purportedly matched reports of missing children from around the country, such as Neriah, Samiyah and Yeritza. The idea started on Twitter and Reddit before spreading to other social media platforms. Internet sleuths the world over collaborated to collect evidence, finding links in the items being sold, and the names of missing children. Some even shockingly found a correlation between children who have been found, and items on the site listed as "out of stock". This allegation was not seen as far-fetched, with the scourge of child abductions and sex trafficking most recently coming to light in the mainstream media with the bombshell case of Jeffrey Epstein. Whether this theory is to be believed or not, the dark world of child sex trading is disturbingly real. 

     For as long as anyone can remember, there have always been stories, theories, and evidence that the world elite is up to no good. In 1776, with the birth of our nation, came the birth of the most notorious secret society in existence. The Illuminati. Its founder, Adam Weishaupt, reportedly began the group "to educate Illuminati members in reason, philanthropy, and other secular values so that they could influence political decisions when they came to power". In short, to influence the world elite and rise to ultimate power. Similarly, the Skull and Bones is an infamous fraternity at Yale University, with a membership list boasting Presidents, Bank and finance royal families, and titans of business and innovation. The secrecy of these societies, and the wealth and power listed on the roster, has no doubt caused an uneasy feeling in the common man. What do they talk about? What are they doing? What is the big secret we're not allowed in on? The existence of these "secret clubs" coupled with the further disconnect that wealth brings from the other 99 percent, shortens the leap people are able to make between the incredibly wealthy and the nefarious. In 2019, successful financier and personal friend to many presidents, business moguls and royals Jeffrey Epstein was indicted on charges of statutory rape, abuse, and sex trafficking. On the heels of this shocking revelation came the Wayfair scandal. Is it so far-fetched that another, similarly wealthy e-commerce mogul would be implicit in similar crimes? With the virility of the theory, many don't think it is. 

     Though the validity of the Wayfair scandal is hotly debated, the theme it falls under is all too real. Human trafficking is a multi billion dollar industry. "Of the more than 23,500 child runaways, one in six are likely victims of trafficking". Since language was spoken, legends and lore have served as cautionary tales. Even the most untrue of urban legends have a grain of truth or a kernel of wisdom which should be heeded. "The hook hand" warned teens of the dangers of premarital sex. "The babysitter & the man upstairs" served as a warning to young adults the level of responsibility needed to care for others children. The list goes on. With the Wayfair conspiracy, the message is clear: be wary of who you trust. With your children, with your support, and with your business.  It also serves as yet another reminder that something seemingly innocuous has a dark underbelly that would horrify anyone. 




National Center for Missing and Exploited Children:,victims%20of%20child%20sex%20trafficking.&text=15%20years%20old.&text=U.S.%20States.


TraffickCam, app to combat Human Trafficking and assist law enforcement:




Skull and Bones:



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